Terms of Use 

By uploading a video file for Things to Do In Las Vegas (TTDILV) to share, you agree to the following Terms of Use: 

  • You confirm that you took the image/video and are its copyright owner; or that you are the copyright owner’s authorized agent; or that you own, purchased or otherwise legally obtained the rights to the video. 
  • You understand that TTDILV does not claim ownership of your content, but you grant us a license to use it. Nothing changes about your rights to your video content. We do not claim ownership of your video content that you upload. However, we need certain legal permissions from you (known as a “license”).  When you upload content that is covered by intellectual property rights (like photos or videos) on or in connection with TTDILV, you hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to host, use, reproduce, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content on all platforms, in all media (now known or hereafter developed), including, without limitation, broadcast, online, streaming and social media, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, promotional uses, worldwide in perpetuity. 

Additionally, you confirm that you have all of the necessary rights and permissions to grant TTDILV this license for its use. This license will end should your content ever be deleted from our systems.

  • You understand that you will receive no payment or royalty for any use under this agreement; that TTDILV is under no obligation to use, edit, or distribute the material; and that you have no right to inspect or approve any use of the material.
  • You grant TTDILV permission to use provided social media usernames whenever and wherever it distributes your uploaded video.  
  • You give us permission to show your username, profile picture, and information about your actions (such as likes) or relationships (such as follows) next to or in connection with accounts, ads, offers, and other sponsored content that you follow or engage with that are displayed on Meta Products, without any compensation to you. For example, we may show that you liked a sponsored post created by a brand that has paid us to display its ads on Instagram. 
  • You understand that TTDILV has the right to refuse to share or use any uploaded video per its own discretion without any consequences if your video could create risk or legal exposure for TTDILV.  
  • You understand that TTDILV does not control what people and others do or say, and we aren’t responsible for their (or your) actions or conduct (whether online or offline) or content (including unlawful or objectionable content).